Crashendo - East Gippsland

Contact Us: 0455 872 296 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Join our team

Crashendo! East Gippsland is currently a small team with a desire to grow and create impact in the community of East Gippsland for all ages. We aim to grow the capacity of talent within the area of East Gippsland and attract talent outside the community to build our musical capacity and our capacity for social connection.

Current Vacancies 

  • Strings Tutor 
  • Emergency Wind/Brass Tutor 

We need your help !! 

Do you have some media experience or interest?

Please help us to research and develop a plan of how we can diversify our funding base. Then deliver and monitor the plan.

Paid casual 12 month position, flexible hours, flexible delivery (remote/onsite). Collaboration with local business and marketing advisor available.

CRASHENDO turns 10 this year. Its time to broaden our funding base so we can continue to strengthen community music in our area.   

Crashendo - improving the life of people through music
Inc Assoc. A0059145H

Donations over $2 are tax deductible 

How to donate