Crashendo - East Gippsland

Contact Us: 0455 872 296 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We were thrilled that our Youth(ful) Orchestra professional conductor, Vivian Horn visited Bairnsdale with professional musicians, Melbourne Strings and Friends to help us celebrate !!

 A series of workshops at The Bairnsdale Hub started the day off.

 First up, a workshop for our trainee conductor, under the supervision of Vivian Horn, with Melbourne Strings providing the musicianship. Youth(ful) Orchestra and the Itet-Alpine Quartet musicians then arrived for workshops: refining the music to be performed as full orchestra, sectionals and for Itet-Alpine Quartet alongside Melbourne Strings musicians.

Special mention for Angela McStephen, one of the Melbourne Strings visiting 'Friends' musician, who was a Crashendo E G participant in her younger days and is now a professional instrumental music teacher and musician.

We celebrated together with an audience of about 100 at an afternoon concert at St Mary's Church. The program was varied and involved the following performers:

Itet-Wy Yung Quartet
Itet-Alpine Quartet with Melbourne Strings
Crashendo! Youth(ful) Orchestra - Alternate Conductors: Vivian Horn and Kieran Brown
Melbourne Strings

Thanks to the following for their reliable and timely support:
Bairnsdale Hub and St Mary's Church for providing venues for our celebratory event
Community volunteers who helped setup/packup, catering, carrying gear, front desk at concert and much, much more both before and after the event.

Crashendo - improving the life of people through music
Inc Assoc. A0059145H

Donations over $2 are tax deductible 

How to donate